LiteBrite will be conducting several trainings through Howard Community College throughout the year.
Click the button below to register for any of these courses.
Social Emotional Teaching Strategies
Have you wished you could help a child who has trouble getting along with others or making friends? Learn effective strategies for teaching developmentally appropriate social and emotional domain skills to children up to age 8, including the ability to solve problems, communicate emotions appropriately and effectively, and build friendships. This class focuses on the teaching strategies principles of SEFEL (Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning). MSDE Core of Knowledge: 3 Hours Ch Dev, 3 Hour Pro. Complete all 4 modules to earn the additional SEFEL Training certificate. Course ID ZB-744
Individualized Intensive Interventions: Determining the Meaning of Challenging Behavior
Do you wish you had a better way to understand why a child exhibits challenging behavior and design a solution to support them toward positive behavior? When children act out, they are trying to communicate and ask for our help. Gain strategies to identify and interpret the meaning of a child’s challenging behaviors. Topics include: communication forms and functions, using interview and observation data, and developing behavior hypotheses for children up to age 8. This course focuses on the teaching strategies principles of SEFEL (Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning). Complete all 4 modules to earn the additional SEFEL Training certificate. (3hrs PRO, 2hrs CD, 1hr COM) Course ID ZB-747
Understanding Emotions Leads to Understanding Yourself
Understanding emotions is the foundation of building emotional literacy in young children. Children with a strong ability to identify emotions have more successful relationships and friendships, which contributes to success in childcare and school. By learning to identifying various emotions, children are able to understand the world around them and develop self-regulation skills. This workshop offers strategies and resources for young children to understand their emotions that can be implemented throughout your early childhood program.
Making the Most of Your Music and Movement
This high energy hands on training is full of ideas and resources on physical activity and healthy food choices that you can include in your early childhood programs. Moving to music is a fun and healthy way to encourage movement and physical activity. This workshop helps us understand how music helps with physical development and ways to incorporate new vocabulary and actions into children’s music.  (2hr CUR, 2hr CD) Course ID ZB-749
Individualized Intensive Interventions: Developing a Behavior Support Plan
Learn to use the process of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) to prevent and improve a child’s challenging behavior. This course guides you to break the cycle of negative consequences resulting from challenging behavior and instead apply replacement skills, respond in a way that does not maintain or reinforce challenging behavior and develop a behavior support plan for children up to age 8. This course focuses on the teaching strategies principles of SEFEL (Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning). Complete all 4 modules to earn the additional SEFEL Training certificate (3hrs PRO, 2hrs CD, 1COM) Course ID: ZB-748
Nutritional Building Blocks: Fuel Up and Move!
This high energy hands on training is full of ideas and resources on physical activity and healthy food choices that you can include in your early childhood programs. Early childhood is an optimal time of growth and development. Healthy nutrition is a key for growth and also is a foundation for success in school and life. Learn more about ways to promote healthy lifestyles by establishing healthy preferences early in life. (4HSN) Course ID: ZB-750