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SEFEL the Pyramid Model Training
Module 1: Promoting Children’s Success: Building Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments (6 Hours Total) (5 Hours CD, 1 Hour PROF)
This module addresses strategies for preventing challenging behavior. The module is based on the following principles: a) Positive relationships with children serve as the foundation for addressing social emotional needs. b) When children understand routines and the expectations for their behavior, and when they are engaged in activities that are meaningful, they are less likely to engage in challenging behavior. c) Expectations and routines have to be taught to children using a range of teaching strategies.
Module 2: Social Emotional Teaching Strategies (6 Hours Total) (3 Hours CD, 3 Hours PROF)
This foundation includes the ability to solve problems, communicate emotions appropriately and effectively, and build friendships. This module focuses on effective strategies for teaching these skills to children.
Module 3a: Individualized Intensive Interventions: Determining the Meaning of Challenging Behavior (6 Hours Total) (2 Hours CD, 3 Hours PROF, 1 Hour COMM)
This module focuses on effective strategies for observing children and identifying the meaning of their behavior as a means of identifying skills that could be targeted for instruction.
Module 3b: Individualized Intensive Interventions: Developing a Behavior Support Plan (6 Hours Total) (2 Hours CD, 3 Hours PROF, 1 Hour COMM)
This module addresses: a) strategies for teaching new skills and arranging the environment to support appropriate behaviors and prevent challenging behavior, and b) building teams (professionals and family members) to effectively support the child’s behavior across settings.
Module 4: Leadership Strategies (6 Hours Total) (3 Hours CD, 3 Hours PROF)
The extent to which programs can implement the practices described in the first three modules will depend in large part on administrative support. This module focuses on identifying barriers to the effective use of these practices and strategies for addressing those barriers. Collaborative planning is an essential feature of this module.

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