Registration Information
Participants must pre-register for workshops unless otherwise indicated. Begin the pre-registering process by calling LiteBrite at 410-459-9685. Registration occurs when payment is received in advance, no later than two (2) days prior to the workshop.
A $25 fee will be assessed for all returned checks.
You are not considered registered for a workshop until payment has been received. No confirmation or reminder of registration will be mailed to you. Call LiteBrite to confirm that your registration has been received.
Class registration fees are non-refundable. If you miss a workshop for which you are registered, a credit to another workshop will be given if LiteBrite is notified 24 hours or more prior to the workshop. Leaving a phone message or sending an email constitutes notice. No credits or refunds are issued for late cancellations or absences.
If a credit is issued, it is good for one (1) year from date of issue.
Training may be cancelled due to low enrollment; participants may transfer and reschedule to another workshop. LiteBrite has the right to cancel and/or reschedule any training workshop due to personal, professional, or weather related conditions (See Inclement Weather Policy). Registration fees will be refunded at the discretion of LiteBrite and/or applied to future training workshops. Participants will be contacted by the email provided on the registration form is the workshop is cancelled.
If the workshop is full, the participant will be notified and added to the waiting list.
There are no walk-in registrations.
Training Workshop Arrival
Workshops begin promptly at the times listed. Sign in 10-15 minutes prior to start of the workshop. Those arriving to the workshop 15 minutes or more after the start time of the workshop will not receive certificates.
Certificates will be awarded to all participants who complete the workshop. A 70% or higher on the workshop assessment warrants a successful training workshop. The type of assessment used will be based on the workshop taught. See “Training Lesson Plan” and corresponding assessment and/or rubric for specific assessments.
Certificates will be awarded immediately following the successful completion of the training.
Certificates awarded are the sole responsibility of the individual attending the training and are to be kept by the individual for licensing and credentialing purposes. LiteBrite is not responsible for lost or misplaced certificates. To request and receive a duplicate copy of a certificate, LiteBrite reserves the right to assess a $5 fee. Certificates will be reissued via email for up to one year from the date of the training. Limit of one reissued certificate per person per training. In order to receive a reissued certificate, participants must have the following information:
· The date of the original training.
· The title of the training.
· The name of the program or organization that organized or sponsored the training.
· The participants name as it appears on the sign-in sheet.
Inclement Weather
If public schools close in the county where the workshop is offered, the workshop will be cancelled. Participants are to check the local television and radio stations for possible cancellations due to bad weather. If training is canceled due to bad weather, it will be rescheduled at a later date. Registration fees will not be refunded. Fees will be credited to a future workshop.
Workshop Participants Expectations
Respect for the trainer and class members will be expected at all times. Child care centers, organizations, and family child care providers will be referenced in positive ways only, and professional standards of confidentiality will be maintained. Negative or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated. Private conversations are to be saved for break time and after class. Cell phones, including text messaging, will be turned off or put on silent. Disruptive participants will be asked to leave and not be given class credit or a refund.