Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) is one component of the broader R4K system in Maryland. The KRA is a kindergarten readiness tool that allows teachers to measure each child's school readiness across multiple domains.
The KRA is an inclusive assessment that is administered to all kindergarten students. The administration window is open from the first day of school through November 1st. This window provides teachers with a snapshot or a point in time view of student abilities during the beginning of the school year.

The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment uses a developmentally appropriate mix of item types (direct performance and observational) in order to create a multi-modal assessment. The direct performance items are presented as Selected Response Items and Performance Tasks. KRA items were developed based on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Common Language Standards, which are a subset of the R4K Common Language Standards.
For more information from LiteBrite on the KRA and how to receive training, fill out the contact information to send an email.